Power Engineering and Reneweable Energies

Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energies Bachelor (EBE)
Foundation Studies

> Foundation Studies will take place in English
> SWS is a semester hour and lasts 45 min

1st Semester   English languageSWSCreditsAbbr.
Mechanics and Vibrations45PH1
Analysis of Electric DC- and AC-Circuits45EE1
Electrical and Magnetic Fields45EMF
Software Engineering and Introduction to Programming in C45DP1
German A*65DEUA
Technical English**45ENB2

Only one of the subjects German Aor Technical English has to be attended.

* German A is for students without DSH. Obligatory intensive language courses are included during the semester breaks.

 ** Technical English is for students with DSH or German as mother tongue.

2nd Semester   English languageSWSCreditsAbbr.
Multivariable Calculus and Series45MA2
Thermodynamics and Waves45PH2
Single and Polyphase Systems45EE2
Electronic Components and Circuits45ECC
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in C++45DP2
German B*65DEUB
Elective Module**45WM1

Only one of the subjects German Bor Elective Module has to be attended.

* German B is for students without DSH. Obligatory intensive language courses are included during the semester breaks.

 ** The Elective Module is for students with DSH or German as mother tongue.

Total credits in Foundation Studies60
Elective Module WM1 - Choose one:SWSCreditsAbbr.
Business Administration 145BL1
Methods of Scientific Work45MWA
Business Law44WR
German Courses (DEUA +DEUB)*
German 1 beginner level65DEU1
German 2 intermediate level65DEU2
German 3 advanced level65DEU3
German for academic purposes65DaZ

*Depending on your German language skills our language office decides which German courses to attend.