> Examination Regulations

Important Notices from the Examination Regulations

The foundation studies  (Grundstudium) consists of the classes of the first and second semesters. All assessments must be passed by four semesters at the latest. If after four semesters all examinations have not yet been passed, a hardship case application form can be submitted for an extension of the Grundstudium, otherwise exmatriculation will follow. There is a maximum of ten semesters of study time available for the entire course of studies, though you can also use the hardship case application form in this situation for the eleventh semester.

In the Grundstudium,  there is no automatic registration for assessments, so it is necessary to register at POS in time. Further information will follow in the course of the semester, or can be viewed in POS, as well as at the examination office.

Print out the exam registration form from POS and take it to the exam (if any doubt).

Failed exams  can be repeated up to two times. An exam must be retaken the next time the respective course is offered. Prior a third attempt a discussion with the responsible professor is required (Studienberatungsgespräch).

Examinations from the Hauptstudium  (advanced studies) can only be taken, if all assessments from the Grundstudium have been passed. However, examinations from the Hauptstudium may be taken upon request, if three or less examinations from the Grundstudium are still open.

If all Grundstudium assessments  have been passed,  the bachelor foundation studies certificate is automatically passed. It is then possible to obtain a certificate in which the subject grades and the overall grade are listed. This document is to be collected in the examination office using your signature.

The grades of the foundation course  do not count towards the Bachelor's degree grade. However, since scholarships may be awarded every semester, it is helpful to have good grades. Above all, it is necessary to apply for a practical semester with the bachelor's foundation studies certificate. Therefore, the better the grades are, the greater the chances of getting a desired internship.

An undeclared absence for a registered examination results in a fail ("administrative five"=5,0).


Regulations governing studies and examinations

Regulation Website

Note  For the complete course of studies, the examination regulations (PO) which were valid at the beginning of your studies apply. Also after having changed from Grundstudium to Hauptstudium the newest PO applies. When changing the course of studies, the newest PO will apply.